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Cancellation Process

Cancels are processed as a result of:
  1. Non-payment
  2. NSF Items

Non Payment Accounts

A “notice of intent” to cancel (pink notice) is sent to the customer and the broker for all accounts that are 14 days past the payment due date. The notice of intent gives the customer 10 days to make the payment before the account is considered for cancellation.

If there is no payment by the 25th day past the due date, the customer account is placed into “Report” status. Each week, on Thursdays, brokers receive a report listing all accounts on “Report” status and due for cancellation on the following Tuesday.

Each week on Tuesday, (may be changed based on statutory holidays or other events) the cancellations are processed for all accounts that have not received the past due payment and do not have any notes on the customer file, that payment has been made. (To the broker, through the bank, mailed).

For each cancelled account, a “Notice of Insurance Cancelled” is sent to the customer, the broker and the underwriting company.

NSF Items

Each day, dishonoured items are received from the bank and processed back to the respective customer accounts. A “notice of intent” to cancel (pink slip) is processed for all returned items, indicating that the payment was returned by the bank. The notice indicates the NSF amount and the NSF fee to be paid. The “notice of intent” for NSF items gives the customer 20 days from the original payment due date to replace the payment.

If there is no payment by the 25th day past the due date, the customer account is placed into “Report” status. Each week, on Thursdays, brokers receive a report listing all accounts on “Report” status and due for cancellation on the following Tuesday.

Each week on Tuesday, (may be changed based on statutory holidays or other events) the cancellations are processed for all accounts that have not received the past due payment and do not have any notes on the customer file, that payment has been made. (To the broker, through the bank, mailed).

For each cancelled account, a “Notice of Insurance Cancelled” is sent to the customer, the broker and the underwriting company.

If you require help with cancellations our knowledgeable support team can be reached by e-mail, phone or fax between 8:00am - 7:30pm Atlantic Time.

E-mail: support
Toll Free: 1-800-565-1153
Toll Free fax: 1-800-453-5736

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